About us
London Advanced Motorists or LAM for short is a registered charity, number 1043684 affiliated like over 200 other local groups to IAM Roadsmart. Our aim
is to promote and improve the standards of driving and the advancement of road safety.
We are made up of a friendly group of volunteers, covering all ages, all with a keen interest in better driving & motoring for everyone on the road. To this
end, we encourage all motorists to take the Advanced Driving Test, and offer guidance through our associate scheme, on how to prepare for this.
You can join the group either as an existing full IAM Roadsmart member, or as an "associate" member. Associates are members who have not yet passed
their Advanced Driving Test, but wish to get involved and take advantage from the coaching & advice given by our Observers. As a group, we provide ...
An introduction. All new associates get an introduction to the group and course, which includes a short demonstration drive.
Observed drives. From our centres in New Malden, Chiswick & Banstead, we offer "observed drives", typically on Sunday mornings. During these
drives, Associates are accompanied by our trained Observers who help them to retain and improve their driving skills week by week, in preparation for
IAM Roadsmart's Advanced Driving Test.
Regular social meetings & pre-arranged talks. We hold regular member meetings at New Malden with a variety of talks & speakers.
More specialised events. Periodically, we arrange other more specialised events & group visits.
Skid control training. In partnership with neighbouring groups and external partners, these courses are in high demand and are a must for those
wishing to improve their winter driving skills as well as skid avoidance and resolution.
© London Advanced Motorists, 2023.
London Advanced Motorists is a registered charity, no. 1043684, affiliated to IAM Roadsmart.