The costAll local groups such as LAM are charities who work in conjunction with IAM Roadsmart. At the present time, the following costs, excluding VAT apply …PurchasingYou can join IAM Roadsmart as an associate member by purchasing an “Advanced Driver Course” package, either through us or online ...•Through us. Simply come along to our New Malden centre on the first Sunday of the month, between 9am & 12pm. Have a cup of tea, have a chat and join up there & then.•Directly from IAM Roadsmart. You can also purchase packages, including member assessment’s directly from IAM Roadsmart.Visit IAM Roadsmart’s web site now.
The costAlllocalgroupssuchasLAMarecharitieswho workinconjunctionwithIAMRoadsmart.Atthe presenttime,thefollowingcosts,excludingVAT apply …PurchasingYoucanjoinIAMRoadsmartasanassociate memberbypurchasingan“AdvancedDriver Course” package, either through us or online ...•ThroughLAM.SimplycomealongtoourNew MaldencentreonthefirstSundayofthe month,between9am&12pm.Haveacupof tea, have a chat and join up there & then.•DirectlyfromIAMRoadsmart.Youcanalso purchasepackages,includingmember assessment’s directly from IAM Roadsmart.Visit IAM Roadsmart’s web site now.